Joe Orlow (301) 754-1128
The Minyan is built on four rules.
1. No talking during the Minyan.
The Halacha allows talking during the service in limited circumstances. The Gabbai can talk during certain parts of the Davening such as before Pseukai D'Zimra or between Aliyos. Minyan business that can be resolved before or after the Minyan should accordingly be resoved before or after Davening. No other talking will be allowed.
2. No women will participate in the service.
The Minyan will have a Mechitza, and woman can attend services.
3. The Davening will be designed in such a way that there is sufficient time to say every word of the Tefila in Hebrew for a person Davening at the same rate that they would carry on a conversation in Hebrew.
A schedule of each segment of the service will be posted here online and/or in Shul. For those people who for whatever reason find it hard to Daven the whole Davening at a proper rate, the schedule will allow them to align themselves with the Minyan for at least part of the Davening.
For example, consider the hypothetical schedule below and someone who cannot Daven, for some reason, for more than twenty minutes. He would be able to consult the schedule, and determine that if he arrives at 9:32, that he can use his 20 minutes to say the Shema with its Brachos and the Shemoneh Esreh with the Congregation.
Shabbos Shachris
9:00 - 9:20: Brachos and Karbonos
9:20 - 9:32: Pesukai D'Zimra
9:32 - 9:42: The Shema with its Brachos
9:42 - 9:52: Amida
4. The Chazan will use the correct Nusach, and will pronounce every word correctly and clearly.
There will be other rules, too, but they will fit into the spirit of the four main rules. For example, Kadishim recited by Congregants will be recited in a way that ensures that every word of the Kaddish is heard clearly.
Small children will require close supervision. In general, a child should not be brought to Shul unless they can remain in their place when in the Shul.
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